1. Chicken Run, dir. by Peter Lord and Nick Park (2000)

Video about it:


  1. Andor, created by Tony Gilroy


Nemik's Manifesto | ANDOR


  1. I’m A Virgo, created by Boots Riley


  1. Sorry To Bother You, dir. by Boots Riley


  1. Battleship Potemkin (1925), dir. by Sergei Eisenstein

In the midst of the Russian Revolution of 1905, the crew of the battleship Potemkin mutiny against the brutal, tyrannical regime of the vessel's officers. The resulting street demonstration in Odessa brings on a police massacre. (Source: IMDb)


  1. Strike (1925), dir. by Sergei Eisenstein

In Russia's factory region during Czarist rule, there's restlessness and strike planning among workers; management brings in spies and external agents. When a worker hangs himself after being falsely accused of thievery, the workers strike. At first, there's excitement in workers' households and in public places as they develop their demands communally. Then, as the strike drags on and management rejects demands, hunger mounts, as does domestic and civic distress. Provocateurs recruited from the lumpen and in league with the police and the fire department bring problems to the workers; the spies do their dirty work; and, the military arrives to liquidate strikers. (Source: IMDb)
